1.the scientific study of the nucleuscentral part of atoms and how they react to various forces
1.Lee Grodzins supervised my senior thesis in nuclear physics and provided me with a wonderful research experience and with his friendship.
2.I've always been interested in nuclear physics and particle physics. I have read many books about it and wanted to see if it worked.
3.He made many discoveries in nuclear physics but characteristically, he did n't publish them.
4.In atomic spectroscopy, the subject of isotope shifts is one of the few problems that links atomic and nuclear physics.
5.Rutherford was a New Zealand physicist and chemist who became known as the father of nuclear physics.
6.Danish Nobel Prize Laureate Bohr's " Copenhagen School" also attracted the best brains in nuclear physics from all over Europe.
7.Phaneuf invited Taylor to sit in on his upper-pision nuclear physics class and introduced him to technician Bill Brinsmead.
8.It is not exactly mastering nuclear physics to smile nicely, shake hands, and visit sick patients, the traditional job of a first lady.
9.Here the experiments on nuclear physics are held when a stream of gas is injected into the vacuum chamber of the accumulator.
10.Nuclear physics is an effective theory of nuclei, whereas the Standard Model is the effective theory of quarks and gluons.